Browse dozens of easy and delicious Slice, Brownies and Bar recipes you can make in minutes with your Thermomix! Good food in minutes, your family will love.
Need a suggestion? Consider our Thermomix Caramel Nut Slice or our Thermomix Weetbix Slice or our Thermomix Muesli Bars - perfect for the kids' lunchboxes!
Thermomix Lemon Crumble Slice
Thermomix Salted Caramel Fudge
Thermomix Peppermint Brownies
Thermomix Peanut Butter Brownies
Thermomix Licorice Allsort Slice
Healthy Thermomix Muesli Bars
Thermomix Chocolate Peanut Butter Slice
Thermomix Rice Bubble Bars
Thermomix Tim Tam Slice
Thermomix Almond & Honey Oat Slice
Thermomix Baileys Fudge
Thermomix Snickers Slice
Thermomix White Chocolate Rocky Road
Thermomix Kahlua Brownies
Thermomix Malteser Slice
Thermomix Anzac Slice
Thermomix Lemon & Coconut Slice
Thermomix Rum & Raisin Fudge
The Best Thermomix Slice Recipes
Thermomix Turkish Delight Rocky Road
Thermomix Christmas Fudge
The Best Thermomix Caramel Fudge Recipe
Easy Thermomix Fudge Recipes
Thermomix Chocolate Brownies
Thermomix Peanut Butter Slice | 5 Ingredients
Thermomix Date Slice
Nut Free Thermomix Snack Recipes
Jelly Slice Recipe by Thermobliss
Thermomix Chocolate Slice
Thermomix Coconut Ice
Thermomix Mars Bar Brownies
Thermomix Gluten Free Brownies
Thermomix Peppermint Crisp Fudge
Thermomix Clinkers Rocky Road
Thermomix Christmas Hedgehog Slice
Thermomix Passionfruit Slice
Thermomix Peppermint Slice
Thermomix Caramel Nut Slice
Two Ingredient Thermomix Apricot and Coconut Slice
Thermomix Fruit & Nut Muesli Bars